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KeeAdmin v2

Administration made simple


To make a package, go to the Packages folder in KeeAdmin/Core/Packages. You can either make a server or a client sided command. To make a package use the following format:

	name = "clienttest",
	aliases = {"clienttest2", "clienttest3"},
	prefix = ":",
	description = "Test command for packages on the client",
	category = "misc",
	level = 0,
	execute = function(player, args)
		print("Hello from the client!")
		print(string.format("Player %s sent client test package", player.Name))


To execute a command use the prefix set inside of KeeAdmin/Core/Configuration
You can change split or prefix
split is used to split commands. For example the ‘|’ in:
:speed me 15 | :sit me

prefix is used to define a command. For example the ‘:’ in:
:speed me 100


To configure KeeAdmin go to KeeAdmin/Core/Configuration.
prefix and split see “Execution”

DataStoreKey CHANGE THIS This is used to save and store your data. Changing it will result in losing all your data. If it is set back data will be restored.

It is reccomended to use a users UserId to set their rank. Username also works.
Moderators Level 1
Administrators Level 2
Owners Level 3

ToolsDirectory Where tools are stored

FunCommandsEnabled Whether or not fun commands are allowed
PlaceOwnerPermissionsEnabled Gives the owner of the game owner permissions AdminCreatorPermissionsEnabled Gives the creators of KeeAdmin owner permissions